Samsonite? I was way off!

258 lbs - 29.0% BF

I’ve always thought that food tracking was for psychopathic control freaks who enjoy the tedium of weighing their foods and entering them into an app. I thought food tracking would actually hurt my diet compliance by adding another task to drain my limited willpower. With my diet only slightly improved after 3 weeks of this refactor, I decided to test these hypotheses.

When I began the MacroFactor app’s 14-day free trial, I immediately set a calendar reminder for 13 days later to “Cancel MacroFactor”. After my first day using the app, I deleted that calendar reminder. From the jump, the app’s setup wizard was easy to understand and configure. Its initial calculations have put me into a calorie deficit that should result in 1.5 lbs of weight loss per week (more like 2 lbs because I’ve been significantly below my allotment each day). It’s also tracking protein intake to help me reach a level that should allow my body to maintain most of my muscle during this “cut”.

The conclusions so far are clear:

  • I am a psychopathic control freak.
  • Weighing and recording foods is simple and drains zero willpower.
  • The app’s calculations are legit.
  • The act of tracking my food has stopped my mindless eating, which by definition, makes complete sense.
  • I should have been doing this a long time ago.

From the weight graph below, the date that I began food tracking is obvious. I also started weighing myself every morning. There are no pics in my underwear this month because I’ve gotta leave something for the imagination! Zozofit green = shrunk, yellow = grew.

MacroFactor Weight ZOZOFIT

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