Hello, World!

267 lbs - 31.1% BF

In computer programming and software design, code refactoring is the process of restructuring existing computer code - changing the factoring - without changing its external behavior. Refactoring is intended to improve the design, structure, and/or implementation of the software (its non-functional attributes), while preserving its functionality. — Wikipedia

My name is Dan. — Dan

Like many journeys of self improvement, this too begins with a “Hello, World!”. I wish that we had met sooner, preferably before I cultivated 70 lbs of mass in what might be a candidate for the dirtiest bulk ever (I have been lifting weights approximately once per week for several years, so technically this was a bulk, maybe?). That’s all water under the bridge, and now is the time to fix this. My goal is to be 200 lbs with a 10% BF and stay there (and reap the health and life benefits of course), and you are going to hold me accountable. While I’ve lost some of my edge with age, I’d like to believe that my pride won’t let these be the last pictures of me in my underwear on the internet.

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